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Domestic Research Fellow: Yang, Juan

中国收入分配研究院:Yang, Juan
Gender: Female
Birth: 1980-11
School / Company / Organization: Beijing Normal University
Department: business school
Position: professor
Research Field: Labor economics , Education economics
Educational Experience:
2002.10---2007.7 英国约克大学经济学博士(硕博连读)
1998. 9 --- 2002.7 南开大学金融系本科
Articles or Books:
1 杨娟 (译) 教育经济学的新发展[J],《比较教育研究》,2012(3)
2 杨娟,S. Démurger 、李实,中国城镇不同所有制企业职工收入差距的变化趋势---基于中国城镇家庭收入调查数据的经验分析 [J] , 《经济学季刊》,2011 , 11卷第1期。
3 杨娟、李实,下乡经历对知青收入的影响[J],《世界经济文汇》,2011(5)
4 杨娟、孟大虎,岳昌君,高等教育投资风险和收益的实证研究[J],中国人民大学教育学刊,2011(1) 创刊号
5 孟大虎、曾风婵、杨娟,人力资本、社会资本与大学生求职渠道的选择[J],《中南财经政法大学学报》,2011(6)
1 Education, Risk and Efficiency in Human Capital Investment(with David Mayston), Annals of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming
2 Earnings Differentials between the Public and the Private Sectors in China: Exploring Changes for Urban Local Residents in the 2000s(with S. Démurger and Shi Li), China Economic Review, Volume 23, Issue 1, 2012
3 The Impact of Rustication on Sent-Down Cohorts’ Income (with Shi Li),Frontiers of Economics in China, 2011(2).
4 Graduate Overeducation and Graduation Wages In China (with David Mayston), The Chinese Economy,2012(2).
5 An Empirical Study on Educational Investment for all Levels of Higher Education in China(with D. Mayston), Frontiers of Economics in China, 2009(1)
6 Do Employees in Public Sector Still Enjoy Earnings Advantages?(with S. Démurger and Shi Li), chapter 10 in Rising Ineqaulity,edited by Terry Sicular & Shi Li,Cambridge press.
Last Updated Time: 2018/11/18 9:35:41
Some papers showed in this website:
[2014-02-12][Working Paper No.15]Juan Yang, Morley Gunderson, Shi Li: The impact of minimum wages on migrant workers’ wages
Projects of CCEHD