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[Comments on specific article] CIIDWPNo.51-Li, Shi-Wage Growth, Wage Inequality, and Structural Change

Time: 2016/7/31 22:25:41
Abstract: We document how the wage structure evolved between 1995 and 2013, using a national representative urban household survey. We find that China's wage level increased significantly and the wage structure had become increasingly unequal. Regional gap and human capital contributes in a major way to the overall wage inequality. The returns to education increased significantly since the 1990s and remained high after 2007, but the young cohorts have lower returns to education. An inverted U-shape of the wage-age profile is also more salient in 2013 than in previous years. Non-wage benefits contributed by employers are increasingly more important in an employee's compensation, and are more unequal than wages.
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