The 5 wave survey data of Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP2013) was released
CHIP project
Published: 2016/5/21 19:25:16    Updated time: 2016/5/21 19:25:16
Abstract: The 5 wave micro-data of Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP2013) was released
Keywords: CHIP data

 The 5 wave survey data of Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP2013) was released. You can find the application process at "How to get CHIP" on CHIP page. 

Introduction of CHIP

To track the dynamics of income distribution in China, the Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP) has conducted five waves of household surveys, in 1989, 1996, 2003, 2008 and 2013. They covered the income and expenditure information in 1988, 1995, 2002, 2007 and 2013 respectively and called CHIP1988, CHIP1995, CHIP2002, CHIP2007, and CHIP2013.  These surveys were carried out as part of a collaborative research project on incomes and inequality in China organized by Chinese and international researchers, with assistance from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The CHIP project participants and other researchers have analyzed the data from these four waves and published a wide range of articles, reports, and books. Descriptions of the CHIP surveys and key findings can be found in Griffin and Zhao (1993), Riskin, Zhao, and Li (2001), Gustafsson, Li, and Sicular (2008), and Li, Hiroshi and Sicular (2013).

Introduction of CHIP2013

In July and August in 2014, the China Household Income Project conducted the 5th wave survey. Since the main information is the 2013 income and expenditure, it is named CHIP 2013 and consistent with the previous 4 waves. This wave survey is supported by the National Natural Science Fund and National Bureau of Statistics, and organized by China Institute for Income Distribution in Beijing Normal University. The survey was conducted by the Annual Household Survey Office of Integration of Urban and Rural in National Bureau of Statistics.

Precautions for CHIP dataset

    1) Publications based on CHIPS data should report the statement of the source of data.

    2) Data obtained from CHIPS will not be passed on either wholly or partially with or without profit to any other data user or disseminator of data with or without commercial purpose.

    3) The right of the final interpretation belongs to China Institution for Income Distribution of Beijing Normal University.

    4) If you have any publishcations using our data, we hope you can inform us for record. Thank you for your cooperation!

    5) If you have any questions on CHIP data per se or access to CHIP data, you can contact us via





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